Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I can't believe it has taken me this long to post this! I got a new camera for my birthday and have been trying figure everything out. I love Picasa (yes, I am behind the times). It makes it so much easier to post these--I had no idea! In a nutshell, Tim and I drove to Kansas City and hung out there for 2 days. We stayed in Westport (or near there??) and walked around, went to Country Club Plaza, etc. Then, we drove to Iowa to see Tim's family. I have lots of pictures, but they were all of the kiddos and didn't want to post without asking parents first (the teacher in me :) We had a great time, and got to see EVERYONE in ONE trip! (I think.) Then, we drove over to Omaha to the College World Series. I can't wait to go back when I actually care about the teams. Let me just say that someone from the Big XII should have been there. Talk about a poor match up of teams! At one of the games the score was something like 11-2 (before we finally left.) Omaha was neat too. I loved the lack traffic in all of these places. Then, we drove to Norman, OK. Where we ended up staying next door to Tim's parents and didn't find out until we were both leaving the hotel the next morning. Weird! If you notice, there aren't many pictures of Tim and me together, except the one I took. That is because I was too afraid to let a stranger touch my new camera!!!
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