Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Stormy Weather

On Sunday night, Tim was working the scoreboard and I was watching T.V. when a huge storm rolled in. It was hailing and thundering. Generally, it doesn't even phase Dinah, but we had the brightest flash of lightning and loudest crack of thunder I have ever heard! Dinah ran to the bedroom and shot into her house. I looked outside wondering if it could get any worse. I settled back into the couch watching my Lifetime movie :) when I heard sirens. Not just a couple of sirens, but an army of trucks and wailing. I looked outside again and a house behind us was on fire. It is about 200 yards from our house and was engulfed in flames. I called Tim, who was on his way home, and he went to check out. All I could think was "I hope the people are ok." We watched it burning for a few hours. They had to use aerial attempts to extinguish the fire, and it turns out that the people were out of town, so no one was injured. Unfortunately, the house looks completely destroyed. It just made me realize how quickly life can change. I am so thankful for everything and everyone surrounding me.

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