Thursday, August 16, 2007


I've been tagged by email to answer these questions about myself, but I figured this would be fun to post here instead:

4 jobs I have had:
1. Academy Sports & Outdoors Sales Associate
2. Retail at Joanne's Apparel in Houston (hell)
3. kindergarten teacher
4. second grade teacher

4 Films I could watch over and over:
I don't like watching movies more than once.

4 Places I have lived:
1. Sealy
2. College Station
3. Lubbock
4. Austin

4 Favorite TV shows:
(for now--it changes everyday)
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. 24 (on DVD because I can't stand the suspense of waiting until the next week)
3. Anything having to do with real estate/flipping, etc.
4. Side Order of Life

4 Favorite Foods:
1. ANY good Mexican food
2. cake
3. pizza
4. migas

4 Websites I visit everyday:
1. email
2. google
3. The Statesman
4. blogs

4 Places I would love to be:
1. the beach
2. the mountains
3. Camp Creek
4. somewhere cooler!!

4 Favorite Colors:
1. Red
2. black
3. turquoise
4. bright green